Building a solar-powered future – one garage at a time

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Residential Bom Jesus da Lapa, Bahia Hoymiles HM-1500 microinverters 3.6 kW

A residential customer based in Bahia, Brazil, was exploring the possibility of installing solar panels on their garage roof. They were interested in using solar panels to help them both reduce their energy bills and become more sustainable by making use of cleaner energy to meet their electricity needs.

The roof of the garage got lots of natural light, and with it being mostly free from shade, was a strong candidate for solar panels.

However, this region of Brazil is known for reaching temperatures of 40 degrees Celsius and above in the summer months. While this is excellent news for customers who want to install solar panels, it can present a slight challenge for installation companies when it comes to choosing equipment.

A high-performance solar PV system is crucial to ensure that the panels are generating as much electricity as possible while withstanding local weather conditions. Luckily, our partners at Sun Bless Energy, being experts in the solar panel installation industry, were more than happy to take on the challenge – and project Garagem Solar was underway.

Because the need for a high-performance solar system was so great, Sun Bless Energy opted to supply the client with Hoymiles HM-1500 microinverters. This particular inverter has a peak efficiency of 96.7%, and with high Maximum Power Point Tracking accuracy, it’s perfect for high-quality energy harvesting.

The HM-1500 is a 4-in-1 microinverter that can support up to four panels at once to maximize the production of any installation. It’s highly reliable with 6,000 V surge protection, and is also incredibly easy to install – simply plug in and you’re on your way.

Sun Bless Energy chose Hoymiles because of the wide availability of our microinverters within the Brazilian market. Our broad range of microinverters also boasts easy compatibility with other solar products and solutions, making it a simple yet valuable addition to any setup.

In addition, our microinverters are ideal for hot climates, meaning Sun Bless Energy can guarantee its customers that the HM-1500 will perform well in the hot seasonal weather. And Hoymiles’ microinverters are known as one of the most cost-effective on the market, ensuring that solar energy is accessible for all.

Thanks to our partner installer Sun Bless Energy, we were able to help this client realize the potential of their unused roof space – turning not only their garage into a solar-powered haven, but also their entire property.

If you’d like to know more about how we can help you do the same, or you’re looking for more information about the possibilities of solar energy, get in touch with us today. Our experts will be happy to discuss how best we can deliver the solution that’s right for you.

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