Saving $35,000 a year on electricity

Type Region Products Size
Agriculture Missouri,USA $35,000/year 281 kW

One farm in Missouri dramatically reduced its energy costs with our rugged technology and engineering expertise. In the process, they also unlocked a lucrative new revenue stream.

A comprehensive, multi-part installation

Working in partnership with Red Barn Solar, we helped the owner of 10 meat chicken facilities to install several solar systems:
  • Two 98.8kW systems connected to four chicken barns
  • A 60.8kW system connected to two chicken barns
  • A 22.8kW system connected to an office, home and side business
We also supplied four meters to go with these systems, allowing the owner to monitor and understand energy consumption.

Helping a small business thrive

Small businesses like those in agriculture make up 90% of global businesses. However, in the context of challenging markets, these businesses need to embrace agility and find new sources of revenue in order to survive.
Based on the current kWh price, the new installation in Missouri will have paid for itself in just 3.7 years. With our 25 year warranty, this means the owner will be generating a healthy profit of $35,000 every year for the foreseeable future.